free shaping

How to… shape behaviours

In positive reinforcement training one of the techniques to get behaviour is called \’shaping\’. In shaping the goal behaviour is achieved by splitting the desired behaviour into many tiny steps. Each step is trained separately (clicked and reinforced). A criterion is only raised if the previous tiny step is confirmed. In this way you can build a behaviour from scratch (free

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Technieken om gedrag te verkrijgen: shaping, targeting en capturing

[Click here for the English version of this article] Deel I van deze serie ging over de voor- en nadelen van luring en moulding.  In dit tweede deel licht ik de begrippen shaping, targeting en capturing toe. Shaping Shaping betekent \’vormen\’. Shaping houdt in dat het eindgedrag wordt bereikt door het op te delen in zoveel mogelijk kleine stapjes. Elk stapje naar

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Key to Success: make a Shaping Plan

Clicker training your horse can be difficult and confusion. The Key to Success is writing a shaping plan. A shaping plan is a written manual to train a behaviour from scratch. In shaping the trainer splits the goal behaviour into easy achievable steps for the horse. Then you rehearse and reinforced each step, until your

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