horse behaviour

Difference between Negative (R-) and Positive Reinforcement (R+)

Let\’s start with explaining what positive and negative reinforcement is. Then I will share what was a real eye-opener for me about the difference between positive reinforcement (R+) and negative reinforcement (R-). It is not so much the obvious difference (the carrot or the stick-difference), it\’s way cooler! Definitions Reinforcement (R): strengthening (a behaviour) +

Difference between Negative (R-) and Positive Reinforcement (R+) Read More »

The horse that changed my life

Which horse changed your life? Was it a challenging horse? I bet he wasn\’t cooperative all the time, was he? The horses that changed my life were \’stubborn\’, \’difficult\’, \’dangerous\’ or \’challenging\’. Some horses had \’character\’ according to the salesperson, which usually meant that they are not very cooperative. \’Stubborn\’, \’difficult\’ or \’dangerous\’ What does a horse have to

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Fact Friday: \’Horses can learn to communicate their preferences about blanketing\’

In a study done in Norway researchers taught 23 horses to communicate to their trainers if they wanted blankets (rugs) \’put on\’, \’taken off\’ or \’unchanged\’. The horses were taught 3 different symbols to express their choice. If they chose \’unchanged\’ they kept their blankets on if they wore one and didn\’t get one on if they

Fact Friday: \’Horses can learn to communicate their preferences about blanketing\’ Read More »

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