Training goals

5 Benefits of having a System in your Training

Sometimes people think positive reinforcement doesn\’t fit into a system because this training method is horse-centered. They figure since every horse and every situation is different, it\’s impossible to create a system. You know what? It\’s true that every horse, every training and every trainer is different. If you focus on what every training, every

5 Benefits of having a System in your Training Read More »

What if… your horse doesn\’t like arena work?

This is a common statement in the equestrian world: \’I don\’t ride dressage because my horse doesn\’t like it\’ or \’I don\’t use the arena because my horse hates it\’ or… Who hasn\’t heard this? Can you do something about it? Yes, you can! Find the reason First question I always ask people when they say

What if… your horse doesn\’t like arena work? Read More »

My favourite motto is… Make haste slowly…

Is the translation of a Latin saying. A saying with a long history starting with the Romans. Festina lente, maybe you\’ve heard of it. To me this has proven a very valuable oxymoron  and it is one of my favourite personal mantras in horse training. If you take the time it takes, than it takes less time. So many times I wanted a result

My favourite motto is… Make haste slowly… Read More »

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